
Crossword editor will wong
Crossword editor will wong

crossword editor will wong crossword editor will wong

Her work appears in POETRY, The American Poetry Review,, The Poetry Review (UK), Tin House, Guernica, Black Warrior Review, Prairie Schooner, Electric Literature, TriQuarterly, Hayden’s Ferry Review, among others. She is a recipient of fellowships from the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) and CantoMundo. Rosebud Ben-Oni is the winner of the 2019 Alice James Award for If This Is the Age We End Discovery (2021), and the author of turn around, BRXGHT XYXS (Get Fresh Books, 2019). He is the poetry editor of the online journal Vinyl Poetry. Phillip received his MFA in Writing as a Chancellor’s Graduate Fellow at the Washington University in St. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Anti-, Callaloo, Kenyon Review Online, Poetry, The Southern Review, West Branch and others. He is a Cave Canem graduate and received scholarships from Bread Loaf Writers Conference and a 2013 Ruth Lilly Fellowship. Williams is a Chicago, Illinois native and the author of the chapbooks Bruised Gospels (Arts in Bloom Inc. Born in Tehran, Iran, he teaches at Purdue University and in the low-residency MFA programs at Randolph College and Warren Wilson. The recipient of a Levis Reading Prize, a Pushcart Prize, and a Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship, Kaveh is the founding editor of Divedapper, a home for interviews with major voices in contemporary poetry. He is also the editor of an anthology of poetry about the spirit called Writing the Divine (Penguin Classics, 2020). He is the author of Calling a Wolf a Wolf (Alice James 2017) and a chapbook, Portrait of the Alcoholic, published by Sibling Rivalry. Kaveh Akbar’s poems appear in The New Yorker, Poetry, The New Republic, Best American Poetry, The New York Times, and elsewhere. Copper Canyon (2015-2016) Alice James Books

Crossword editor will wong